Categoría: Fe

Faith, theology and our relationship with God

  • How to Get Ready for the End of the Times.

    Let’s start by saying that the end of time is not the end of the world. We are referring rather to the end of the time of the Gentiles or the end of the time of the nations, which began with the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven. The parable of the fig tree Some…

  • Jesus, the two thieves, and our Salvation.

    The Gospel tells us about the following episode regarding this topic: 39 And one of those robbers who were hanged, blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering, rebuked him, saying: Neither dost thou fear God, seeing thou art condemned under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we…

  • Catholic Versions of the Bible in the Public Domain.

    Working on this project and others that I have, I realized that quoting the Bible for these projects is important. I wanted to quote it properly and accurately, and I wanted to make sure that I didn’t violate any copyright laws. At first, I thought that the Bible is for everyone to use and that…

  • Why does evil exist if God is good? 7 Reasons.

    It is one of the most common questions.  Here we will give 7 logical and rational answers to why evil exists if there is a good God. Many say something like“Look at the world, if there was a God, all this evil wouldn’t exist”. Especially, if that God is good. This is often used by…

  • I do not know a single person who has no emotional injuries, who has not had trauma at least in childhood. Deep wounds can be very, very difficult to heal and if we don\’t get closer to God, even more difficult. Obviously, therapy can be necessary and very useful, but as I mentioned in some…

  • Many people think that a life with God is the same than a life without God, particularly those who do not believe in God or those who think that whoever your God is, all are the same.   In the time of my grandmothers they use to have from  6 to 10 children or more.…

  •   We live in a society that teaches us to avoid pain and suffering at all costs. Some people even use it as an argument for abortion and euthanasia. Poor thing is already suffering a lot, we must \”help him to die\”. Poor baby is going to have a horrible life full of suffering \”you…

  •   To begin we must pray and discern with God about the important decisions of our life. The more important the greater the discernment. Praying to God but also doing our work to find out.  If you have a difficult situation, use reason and evaluate the pros, cons and possible consequences of your decisions. Investigate…

  • God always says yes!

      A few years ago, on a radio program I listened to the following reflection, and I totally agree with it. It was more or less like this, I do not know its authorship. God always says yes. 1.- Yes 2.- Yes, but not right now 3. -No, because I have something better for you.…

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