God always says yes!

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A few years ago, on a radio program I listened to the following reflection, and I totally agree with it.
It was more or less like this, I do not know its authorship.
God always says yes.
1.- Yes
2.- Yes, but not right now
3. -No, because I have something better for you.
1.- In the case of \”Yes\”, it is granted immediately, after a few days or a week. It has happened to me that things that I have asked the Lord are fulfilled in this way, when it is obviously his will.
2.- In the case of \”Yes, but not now\”. It is because perhaps it is not the moment, perhaps we need to grow up so that what is granted is the best for us. For example, I prayed for many months for my future Husband before meeting him. Most likely God was preparing us both to be ready at the right time, since we both had things to grow and mature.
3.- In the “No, because I have something better for you”. How many people do not cling to something or someone, a situation or a lifestyle? If we don\’t get what we want, or need,  no matter how much we ask God, it has to be for a reason. God has something better waiting for us. Whether it\’s getting out of a toxic relationship to a much better and healthier one; after the respective healing process that makes us have a full life. A better house or job. New friends who understand us better than the previous ones. Even in the case of tragedies, our situation may be so painful that we cannot see beyond. But what if it\’s a preparation for something bigger. Something that we could not understand or teach others if we had not gone through such painful or difficult situations before. Or that those painful situations were the engine to improve our life thereafter, and/or reconcile with God.
There are many people who stop believing in God simply because he do not fulfill what they asked for. Or because he did not perform the miracle they wanted, without even considering if what they asked for was the will of God or really in their best interest. For example situations in which a husband leaves his legitimate wife for his lover. That is definitely not the will of God. God\’s will is for the two legitimate spouses to settle their differences and have a life without adultery.
God is not at our disposition, He is not here to fulfill our whims,   He is not a God at my convenience. But if we speak to him with our hearts, from the bottom of our being; If we have a serious and deep relationship with Him (or at least we intend to have it) we can be sure that God will always want what is best for us. If we ask for His help, He will always see us, He will provide us with what we need in this world for our daily battle. Let us not forget to be humble when we speak with Him, knowing His will is before ours and accepting it and trusting God at all times. God is infinitely wise and sees a thousand times more than we can see. Let us always ask for the intervention of the Holy Spirit at all times when communicating with God, so that our prayers are as wise as possible within our limitations. And never forget to be grateful to God for what he has provided for us.


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